Having a quick flick through the system, I have not seen any ads so a tentative thumbs up-but give it a few days- from here.
No ads here either - fingers crossed - and big thanks to Matt for persevering with the hosts on the issue.
No ads for me! Woohoo! Well done Matt.
No ads here either.. and I notice the small advert banner (can't remember the words) at the bottom of each page that was present whilst the other ads were appearing has disappeared.
A massive thanks to Matt.
So - seems to be OK then - great stuff. Just sorry that it took so bloody long.
(Fri, 25 March 2016, 20:47)coastliner700 Wrote: [ -> ].. and I notice the small advert banner (can't remember the words) at the bottom of each page that was present whilst the other ads were appearing has disappeared.
I have to admit that I'd not noticed that - but if it's gone, so much the better!
Right. You lot owe me a pint (each
Agreed - last night I was getting ads. but nothing in the last 12 hours or so
Well worth every penny !!!
Just to add my grateful thanks to Matt for getting the ads problem sorted- thanks again from a very relieved member who had got so very fed up/annoyed with the ads etc.
(Fri, 25 March 2016, 21:13)Matt Wrote: [ -> ]Right. You lot owe me a pint (each )
Pint of tap water ok Matt
Hmmm -- just had an advert pop up (a rather NSFW thing), whilst doing a bit of back-end tinkering on the forum server. Admittedly, I'm not using *my* laptop (borrowed eldest's whilst mine is undergoing open-
heart hard drive surgery), so it's not ad-blocked in the same manner as my Toshiba dinosaur, but has anyone else seen anything since the ad-flood fiasco earlier this year?
I've paid to clear us from annoyances (*) for 12 months, so if it's lapsed after about a quarter of that, then I'm not going to be happy
(*) - Apart from me. I'll annoy you all incessantly forever - and no ad-blocker can stop that