Sat, 20 July 2013, 13:28
We're aware of the spam issue that's blighting this area of the forum, and we're in discussion about how best to deal with it. This MAY result in this "free for all" bit being removed, simply to cut down on the task of having to monitor it and delete garbage as and when it appears.
However - I've set up a new email address, which the management team can all access. It's - I'd advise all forum members to add this to your address books / contacts list; should you ever have an issue logging in, or have a question, feel free to use that. Obviously, if you've got our personal emails or phone numbers, it may be quicker to contact one of us directly. The new email address is always clickable via the 'contact us' link (very bottom left-hand corner of any page, and you don't need to be logged in to access it)
Anyway - apologies for the spam - completely out of our control. Off for a quick swim, then a spot of lunch, then back to Ouistreham for the ferry.
We're aware of the spam issue that's blighting this area of the forum, and we're in discussion about how best to deal with it. This MAY result in this "free for all" bit being removed, simply to cut down on the task of having to monitor it and delete garbage as and when it appears.
However - I've set up a new email address, which the management team can all access. It's - I'd advise all forum members to add this to your address books / contacts list; should you ever have an issue logging in, or have a question, feel free to use that. Obviously, if you've got our personal emails or phone numbers, it may be quicker to contact one of us directly. The new email address is always clickable via the 'contact us' link (very bottom left-hand corner of any page, and you don't need to be logged in to access it)
Anyway - apologies for the spam - completely out of our control. Off for a quick swim, then a spot of lunch, then back to Ouistreham for the ferry.